Later style "Spade" nose art on B Company
C model gunships.
4th Aviation Battalion
"Gambler Guns" (B Company gunships & scouts)
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1966-1967 B Company UH-1C "516"
B Company flew UH-1C Hueys during most of the war. In 1966-67 the aircraft
were armed with XM-157 seven-tube rocket pods, twin flexible M60 machine
guns, and bungee-slung defensive M60s. One B Company veteran from this
period says that the unit tested the Army-supplied tubular hard mounts for
the machine guns. This system was supposed to prevent fire from the M60s
from accidentally swinging into the ship during a hard or sudden turn.
However, during a flight test of the hard mount system, one of the machine
guns did turn and fire into the fuselage. The company quickly dropped the
hard mount system and the crews retained their bungee-hung M60s.
During B Company's first months in Vietnam, the flight
crews came up with the spade design for their company logo. At first a spade
was cut out of cardboard, then placed over the upper black nose. OD paint
was then sprayed around the cardboard stencil. This left a black spade logo
on a completely OD nose. A smaller version of the spade design was also
painted on the tail above the a/c number.
1968-70 UH-1C
gunship B Company gunships gradually replaced
their round XM-157 rocket pods with XM-158 exposed, replaceable
tubes (they were easier to replace). B Company also modified their
nose art. The entire avionics cover was painted black. The spade
logo was outlined with white paint. Ship names were sometimes
painted above the nose logo. A smaller black spade continued to be placed on the tail. The upper surfaces and
outer edge of the horizontal tail planes or stabilizers began to be
painted orange in 1969.
1969-1970 B Company AH-1G Cobra gunship New Cobra gunships were assigned to the 4th
Aviation Battalion in the last year of its Vietnam service. The "Gambler
Guns" spade logo was painted on the forward fuselage between the canopy and
gun turret. The spade continued to be black with a white outline. As on the
earlier C model gunships, a smaller version of the spade logo was also applied on
the tails of the Cobras.